Write a program to multiply two numbers without using + , - or * operators ?
Multiplication is nothing but repeated addition, so as long as you could figure out a way to add two numbers, then repeating them will also provide you product of two numbers.
Since, Python is the best language, I am giving the solution in Python only.
import sys
def recurse(a,b):
x = a^b
y = a&b
if y:
return recurse(x,y<<1)
return x
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = int(raw_input("Enter value of 'a' --> "))
b = int(raw_input("Enter value of 'b' --> "))
for i in range(0,b):
print repr(a) + " x " + repr(b) + " = " + repr(product)
PS: Python rocks!!! and this is the way, it is done internally, that is by using bitwise operations.
For more info please contact me at rakeshkumar.techie@gmail.com
Happy Programming -- Happy Hacking
Can we use logical AND or OR operations ??
ReplyDeletePlease mail me the solution at buntynineforu@yahoo.com - Thanks