How to NFS mount between two computers ?
Source Machine: Physical location of folder
Target Machine: Mounted location pointing to the source physical location
1 ) Installed nfsd from respective package manager like yast,apt ..etc on both the systems
2 ) Check mtab to mount the nfsd in /proc/fs/nfsd
3 ) Edit the /etc/export at the source server from which needs to be shared
Folder Path IP-Address (rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
# Folder Path which you want to share
# IP-Address of Target machinge
4 ) check if /etc/export changes refreshed "exportfs or exportfs -a" at source computerd
5 ) Backup the current /etc/fstab like cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
6) Edit the fstab file as shown below
IP-Address:Source-Path Destination-Path nfs rw,sync 0 0da
IP-Address : Source Machine IP
Source Path: Physical location of file
Destination : Mount location
6 ) mount /Destination-Path
a) If the message while mounting is "nfs version not supported"
/etc/init.d/nfsserver status -- if this says unused or not started, Please start it using the below command
/etc/init.d/nfsserver start
The above command should say nfs services started
b) If the message is "permission denied"
Make sure that /etc/exports entries are correct , and dont forget to type exportfs to reflect the changes on Source machine which will export source folder to target machine
c) If Already mounted and facing issues in re-mouting then try to unmount the existing folder though its not mounted as shown below
umount Destination-folder
mount Destination-Folder
Some time it works like charm
d) nfsstat should display some nfs server information, else there some prob in installation/starting nfsserver goto step a
Source Machine: Physical location of folder
Target Machine: Mounted location pointing to the source physical location
1 ) Installed nfsd from respective package manager like yast,apt ..etc on both the systems
2 ) Check mtab to mount the nfsd in /proc/fs/nfsd
3 ) Edit the /etc/export at the source server from which needs to be shared
Folder Path IP-Address (rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
# Folder Path which you want to share
# IP-Address of Target machinge
4 ) check if /etc/export changes refreshed "exportfs or exportfs -a" at source computerd
5 ) Backup the current /etc/fstab like cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
6) Edit the fstab file as shown below
IP-Address:Source-Path Destination-Path nfs rw,sync 0 0da
IP-Address : Source Machine IP
Source Path: Physical location of file
Destination : Mount location
6 ) mount /Destination-Path
a) If the message while mounting is "nfs version not supported"
/etc/init.d/nfsserver status -- if this says unused or not started, Please start it using the below command
/etc/init.d/nfsserver start
The above command should say nfs services started
b) If the message is "permission denied"
Make sure that /etc/exports entries are correct , and dont forget to type exportfs to reflect the changes on Source machine which will export source folder to target machine
c) If Already mounted and facing issues in re-mouting then try to unmount the existing folder though its not mounted as shown below
umount Destination-folder
mount Destination-Folder
Some time it works like charm
d) nfsstat should display some nfs server information, else there some prob in installation/starting nfsserver goto step a
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